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2013년 11월 26일 화요일

About 'college act averages'|...a 1st class mass murderer like Nancy Pelosi desecrates The Eucharist The average Mass in their Archdiocese has all the sense of sacred that one might find in a three...

About 'college act averages'|...a 1st class mass murderer like Nancy Pelosi desecrates The Eucharist The average Mass in their Archdiocese has all the sense of sacred that one might find in a three...

Many               parents               are               doing               exactly               what               I               am               right               now               and               that               is               doing               my               best               parenting               my               teen               through               the               college               or               technical               school               decision               she               is               facing               now               that               she               is               in               high               school.

Her               teachers               and               counselors               at               school               are               doing               their               best               to               prepare               students               for               what               is               ahead               of               them               after               graduating               from               high               school.

Most               teens               have               to               decide               between               going               to               college               or               attending               a               technical               school.

There               are               some               who               decide               to               work               a               job               before               making               any               decisions               about               furthering               their               education               but               for               the               most               part               high               school               teens               are               spending               their               high               school               years               making               sure               that               grades               and               extracurricular               activities               are               preparing               them               for               the               road               they               wish               to               travel               after               graduating               which               often               includes               either               college               or               a               technical               school               attendance.
               There               are               many               things               parents               can               do               to               help               teens               prepare               for               making               this               decision               such               as               helping               them               to               organize               thoughts               and               goals               about               what               they               would               like               to               do               as               far               as               a               career.

Parents               can               help               them               to               write               down               the               accomplishments               they               have               achieved               during               the               middle               school               years               and               high               school               years               so               that               they               can               see               a               pattern               of               activities               and               interests               that               can               help               them               to               make               future               career               decisions.

Once               a               teen               has               narrowed               down               what               it               is               that               they               would               like               to               do               as               an               adult               regarding               a               career               it               then               becomes               easier               to               determine               what               type               of               higher               education               they               will               need               to               pursue               after               high               school               graduation.
               The               Kidshealth.org               Website               gives               a               good               list               of               goals               and               accomplishments               that               teens               can               include               on               this               list.

They               mention               writing               down               any               academic               or               personal               strengths               and               weaknesses               that               they               recognize               in               themselves,               all               extracurricular               activities               that               they               participated               in               over               the               middle               and               high               school               years,               any               awards               they               received,               a               listing               of               what               grade               point               averages               they               have               earned,               class               rank               and               scores               for               ACT,               AP               or               SAT.
               Many               teens               have               multiple               conversations               with               peers               about               what               to               do               after               high               school               and               they               may               lean               one               way               or               another               regarding               college               or               technical               school               depending               on               what               close               friends               are               doing.

It               is               often               difficult               for               a               teen               to               face               the               concept               of               moving               on               without               the               people               they               have               formed               such               close               friendships               with               throughout               high               school.

Really               close               friends               often               decide               to               go               to               apply               to               or               go               to               the               same               college,               university               or               technical               school               just               so               they               can               continue               to               feel               as               close               and               secure               as               they               have               during               high               school.
               Parents               can               help               teens               to               make               an               assessment               of               what               they               will               need               in               a               college               or               technical               school               so               that               they               can               reach               career               goals.

Knowing               what               qualities               are               required               in               a               college               or               technical               school               will               help               a               teen               to               make               a               determination               about               whether               those               needs               can               best               be               met               at               an               accredited               college               or               if               a               technical               school               would               be               able               to               help               the               teen               meet               his               or               her               goals.
               There               are               many               resources               available               to               teens               and               their               parents               concerning               making               the               decision               about               what               to               do               once               they               have               graduated               from               high               school.
               The               book,               "What               Color               Is               Your               Parachute?

For               Teens,               2nd               edition               by               Carol               Christen,               Richard               N.

Bolles               is               a               book               that               helps               teens               to               organize               their               thoughts               and               to               really               understand               what               they               want               out               of               life               after               high               school.

In               the               section               titled,               "Discovering               Your               Dream               Job",               teens               are               asked               to               discover               what               it               is               that               they               like               to               do,               what               interests               they               have,               what               skills               they               have               honed               and               how               to               use               this               information               to               identify               potential               dream               jobs.

The               book               also               helps               them               to               discover               what               they               can               do               to               make               the               most               out               of               the               remaining               high               school               years               to               help               them               to               reach               their               future               dreams.
               Reference               librarians               are               wonderful               people               to               utilize               because               they               have               many               resources               at               their               fingertips               and               can               guide               parents               and               teens               to               information               within               the               library               that               can               guide               them               in               making               these               important               decisions.
               Parenting               your               teen               through               the               college               or               technical               school               decision               does               not               have               to               be               scary.

You               do               have               lots               of               resources               in               your               teen's               school               and               in               other               resources               such               as               books               and               the               local               library.
               Helping               Your               Teen               Decide               What               to               Do               After               High               School               KidsHealth               http://kidshealth.org/parent/growth/growing/after_hs.html

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