2013년 11월 29일 금요일

About 'colleges dance'|Dancing and College: Some Tips

About 'colleges dance'|Dancing and College: Some Tips

Belly               dancing               is               a               great               way               to               strengthen               your               body               while               you               learn               an               amazing               dance               form               that               has               been               around               for               hundreds               of               years.

Many               people               are               afraid               to               take               up               belly               dance               for               a               variety               of               reasons.

Some               people               think               they               are               bad               dancers,               other               people               think               they               don't               have               the               right               body               for               it,               and               still               more               people               are               afraid               of               the               negative               associations               attached               to               belly               dancers.

The               truth               is               that               belly               dancing               has               an               undeserved               bad               reputation.

Over               the               years,               Hollywood               has               portrayed               belly               dancers               as               adult               entertainers,               similar               to               strippers.

In               many               period               movies,               belly               dancers               are               portrayed               as               exotic               sex               slaves,               contrasted               to               repressed               women               in               black               veils.
               In               reality,               belly               dancing               consists               of               tribal               dance               forms               from               all               over               the               Middle               East,               and               further.

It               originates               from               dance               forms               the               Roma               gypsies               brought               from               India               and               took               with               them               everywhere               they               traveled.

It               was               generally               a               communal               dance               form               used               in               celebration,               rather               than               a               solo               performer.
               In               the               past               century,               the               West               has               co-opted               belly               dance               and               transformed               the               art               into               something               completely               different.

More               recently,               some               belly               dancers               have               been               working               to               take               back               the               dance               form               and               have               control               over               the               way               they               are               portrayed.

Fat               Chance               Belly               Dance               is               one               such               dance               company.

Some               people               try               to               restore               the               original               moves               and               costumes               of               the               tribal               dance,               while               others               try               to               expand               it.

There               is               even               a               large               underground               movement               of               Goth               belly               dancers.
               Besides               the               rich               and               interesting               history,               there               are               many               reasons               to               take               up               belly               dancing.

It               is               great               for               your               internal               muscles               strength.

The               muscle               isolations               practiced               in               belly               dance               will               help               you               strengthen               your               core,               which               can               help               you               have               better               digestion               and               even               lessen               the               pain               of               childbirth.
               Belly               dance               is               one               of               the               few               dance               forms               that               is               great               for               women               with               any               body               type.

While               ballet               requires               a               slender               figure,               belly               dance               is               wonderful               for               women               with               curves.

There               is               no               benefit               to               having               any               particular               body               type,               since               belly               dance               is               all               about               the               internal               strength               in               your               body.
               You               will               probably               not               develop               six               pack               abs               and               a               perfectly               svelte               body               through               belly               dance.

But               you               will               gain               internal               strength,               have               fun,               and               participate               in               a               cultural               dance               that               has               a               rich               history.

To               find               some               classes,               look               at               your               local               gyms,               nearby               colleges,               and               dance               studios.

If               there               are               no               classes               or               teachers               in               your               area,               check               online               for               one               of               the               many               instructional               belly               dance               DVDs.

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colleges dance

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colleges dance

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    About 'colleges around'|Around College Basketball 11/23 Part 2

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    MCDONOUGH,               Ga.

    -               The               hot               button               campaign               issue               of               illegal               immigration               in               Georgia               shot               up               a               notch               on               the               media               radar               when               on               Tuesday,               September               21,               a               committee               convened               by               the               Georgia               State               Board               of               Regents               released               its               recommendations               publicly.

    The               primary               issue               being               reviewed               by               the               Board               revolves               around               illegal               immigrants               attending               Georgia               public               colleges               and               universities               and               the               extent               to               which               they               are               taking               spaces               that               result               in               the               denial               of               admittance               by               otherwise               qualified,               and               legal,               applicants.
                   Currently,               federal               law               is               interpreted               to               give               individual               states               the               right               to               determine               policies               on               illegal               immigrants               attending               public               colleges               and               universities.

    Georgia               has               allowed               admittance,               but               the               students               must               pay               out-of-state               tuition.
                   A               firestorm               erupted               in               May               after               a               routine               traffic               stop               revealed               a               Kennesaw               State               student,               brought               to               this               country               from               Mexico               by               her               parents               as               a               child,               was               an               illegal               immigrant.

    She               had               also               been               paying               the               significantly               lower               in-state               tuition               fees.

    The               student               is               now               paying               out-of-state               tuition,               and               U.S.

    Immigration               &               Customs               Enforcement               is               giving               her               one               year               to               complete               her               studies               before               being               deported.
                   According               to               the               Augusta               Chronicle,               a               Mason-Dixon               poll               conducted               last               week               with               the               Georgia               Newspaper               Partnership               revealed               67%               of               those               polled               favor               a               universal               ban               for               illegal               immigrants               in               attending               any               Georgia               public               college               or               university.
                   As               a               result               of               the               committee's               research,               it               has               been               determined               that               501               of               the               approximately               302,000               students               enrolled               in               Georgia's               public               colleges               and               universities               have               not               provided               proper               citizenship               documentation.

    This               does               not               mean               that               all               501               are               illegal               immigrants.

    It               just               means               that               501               students               have               not               provided               sufficient               documentation               to               prove               citizenship.
                   Georgia               Perimeter               College               reports               the               largest               number               of               undocumented               students               with               210.

    The               colleges               that               are               at               the               heart               of               the               issue,               however,               are               the               University               of               Georgia,               Georgia               Tech,               and               Georgia               State               University.

    Combined               these               schools               have               29               undocumented               students,               but               they               have               also               turned               away               students               due               to               lack               of               space.

    The               argument               becomes:               29               illegal               immigrants               took               spaces               that               were               refused               to               qualified,               legal               applicants.
                   While               the               committee               recommends               grandfathering               in               these               29               students,               it               is               suggesting               that               the               Board               ban               acceptance               of               any               illegal               immigrant               to               a               school               that               has               had               to               deny               admittance               due               to               lack               of               space               for               the               past               two               years.

    The               ban               would               go               into               effect               next               year.
                   The               Board               will               vote               on               the               recommendations               on               October               13.
                   Augusta               Chronicle
                   The               Marietta               Daily               Journal
                   University               System               of               Georgia

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    An               interdisciplinary               major               might               be               the               best               answer               to               the               problem               today               of               finding               work               with               a               liberal               arts               degree.

    Today,               there               are               more               college               graduates               than               there               are               jobs               available               that               require               the               type               of               college               degree               or               major               most               college               graduates               have.

    Are               the               days               gone               when               after               high-school               graduation,               you               can               sit               in               a               public               or               university               library               for               four               years               and               read               all               the               books               you               can               read               like               Ray               Bradbury               did?

    Or               travel               like               Hemingway               did               with               a               fourth-grade               education               and               still               write               best-sellers?

    People               with               some               college               often               are               left               out               of               the               type               of               job               security               needed               to               become               financially               independent,               pull               your               own               weight,               or               head               a               household.
                   Can               you               still               open               a               business               and               become               a               millionaire               entreprepreneur               with               no               formal               schooling               like               so               many               immigrants               have               done?

    And               is               it               true               that               majoring               in               liberal               arts               for               a               four-year               degree               (and               going               no               further)               is               a               waste               of               time?

    Back               in               the               seventies,               even               PhDs               in               the               liberal               arts               were               driving               cabs               because               there               were               too               many               graduates               and               too               few               jobs               related               to               their               studies.
                   When               I               started               university               studies               in               1959,               getting               a               master's               degree               in               English               with               emphasis               in               creative               writing               did               lead               to               a               job               for               many.

    First               you               started               in               publishing               as               a               typist               as               long               as               you               could               afford               to               live               in               New               York               City               (as               I               did               then).

    Then               you               work               your               way               up               to               editor.

    But               the               job               was               never               secure.
                   You               could               try               to               get               a               teaching               job               once               writer's               cramp               ended               your               secretarial               work.

    If               you               were               male,               you               could               skip               the               typing               pool               and               walk               right               into               teaching               if               you               were               lucky               enough               to               land               a               job               in               the               late               1950s,               but               teaching               might               wear               you               out               because               the               new               teachers               were               put               into               the               inner               urban               schools.

    The               lucky               males               walked               into               technical               editing               work               in               a               secure               government               job.

    Today,               the               competition               is               keener               than               it               was               in               the               1950s               or               1960s.

    By               the               mid               to               late1970s,               jobs               were               opening               in               technical               illustration               with               computer               corporations.
                   For               females,               in               the               1950s,               with               a               liberal               arts               degree,               you               were               last               hired,               first               fired               as               a               typist.

    To               make               your               job               secure               in               addition               to               your               graduate               degree,               you               had               to               learn               shorthand,               speedwriting,               or               notehand               and               pass               typing               and               dictation               tests.

    But               something               happened               as               the               years               passed.

    Publishers               merged.

    Jobs               went               away.

    You               could               audition               for               a               job               in               public               relations,               but               those               jobs               went               to               the               journalism               graduates               majoring               in               public               relations               who               also               took               a               master's               degree               in               public               relations.

    Yet               communications               jobs               were               opening               as               technical               writers.

    But               it's               not               1959               any               more.
                   Why               do               you               want               to               major               in               liberal               arts               when               you               can               get               the               same               education               at               any               age               in               the               public               libraries?

    The               college               majors               preparing               you               for               the               jobs               most               in               demand               usually               are               overcrowded,               impacted,               and               have               a               long               waiting               list               to               get               into.

    And               they               can               pick               and               choose               who               to               let               in.

    Don't               waste               your               money               on               a               liberal               arts               major               unless               you               have               a               very               good               reason               to               take               that               major,               and               possibly               know               where               you'll               work               in               what               field               and               how               you'll               apply               what               you               learned               in               your               courses               to               transfer               to               a               job               in               the               real               world.
                   Many               people               select               a               college               major               because               they               like               the               subject               studied,               not               because               employers               can't               find               enough               graduates               to               fill               jobs               requiring               that               major.
                   The               exception               would               be               teachers               of               math               and               science               with               math               and               science               majors               and               teaching               credentials               and               persons               with               degrees               in               various               healthcare               occupations,               including               various               technologies,               along               with               state               licenses               to               practice.
                   Examples               would               be               nursing,               occupational,               respiratory,               radiology,               ultrasound,               dental               hygiene,               physical               therapies,               certain               types               of               social               work,               especially               social               work               doctorates               and               social               workers               with               master's               degrees               as               well               as               law               degrees,               and               allied               health               care               professions.

    Even               paralegals               are               experience               age               discrimination               if               they've               gone               back               to               school               to               retrain               in               their               forties               and               fifties.
                   Pick               an               occupation               that               is               least               likely               to               fire               you               if               you               are               past               the               age               that               they               usually               hire.

    That               includes               most               teaching               professions,               engineering,               software               design,               animation,               certain               types               of               web               design               jobs,               graphic               arts,               and               video               game               design.

    Interestingly               medical               doctors               are               usually               not               laid               off               when               they               reach               their               forties,               fifties,               and               sixties,               unless               they               have               health               issues.
                   University               tuition               isn't               under               $100               a               semester               any               more               like               it               was               50               years               ago               when               I               attended               college.

    With               private               colleges               costing               around               $25,000               annually               and               state               college               tuition               costs               rising               so               frequently,               don't               bother               going               to               college               if               all               you're               going               to               do               is               major               in               one               of               the               liberal               arts               courses,               unless               you're               pretty               sure               of               landing               a               job               when               you               finish               that               will               lead               to               enough               financially               security               for               you               to               be               independent               and               self-supporting.

    Here's               why.
                   One               example               could               be               Cal               State               Fullerton.

    The               university               recently               had               been               forced               to               cancel               up               to               150               class               sections               for               the               2009               fall               semester               to               help               the               state               balance               its               budget.

    (Full               story).

    The               cancellations               were               made               in               the               College               of               Humanities               and               Social               Sciences,               the               largest               of               the               university's               eight               schools.
                   The               college               hosts               most               of               the               university's               traditional               liberal               arts               programs,               including               sociology,               literature,               religion,               history               and               philosophy.

    Campus               officials               say               the               cuts               will               affect               up               to               3,200               students.

    And               it               is               possible               that               deeper               cuts               will               be               made               in               the               spring               semester.

    (Other               public               colleges               and               universities               also               are               making               cuts.)
                   Let's               say               you're               pretty               sure               you're               going               to               be               a               high               school               teacher               of               one               of               the               liberal               arts               subjects.

    Then               major               in               a               practical,               but               generalist               major               and               minor               in               the               subject               you               want               to               teach               in               the               field               of               liberal               arts.

    For               example,               if               you               want               to               teach               English,               you'll               be               competing               with               thousands               of               other               university               graduates               and               re-entry               students               for               the               few               jobs               available               teaching               English               in               most               high               schools.
                   The               schools               can               be               picky,               choosing               young               students               over               those               homemakers               in               their               late               forties               returning               to               college               for               a               teaching               credential               after               the               children               are               back               in               college               and               the               nest               is               empty.

    Think               twice               if               you               assume               you're               going               to               be               hired               over               the               25-year               old               completing               a               graduate               degree               and               credential.
                   If               you're               a               young               student,               pick               a               major               than               is               transferable               to               other               fields.

    You               can               be               a               generalist               with               transferable               skills               to               other               types               of               work.

    For               example,               instead               of               majoring               in               English               if               you               like               to               write,               pick               a               major               in               technical               and               science               writing.

    Then               take               several               courses               in               the               type               of               science               you               want               to               emphasize               in               your               writing,               for               example               a               minor.
                   Most               people               major               in               one               of               the               liberal               arts               because               they               are               not               doing               well               in               courses               that               require               math               skills               in               practical               applications               of               the               math,               for               example,               accounting,               informatics,               genetics,               statistics,               neuroscience,               or               biochemistry.
                   Look               at               some               of               the               newer               majors               that               have               a               great               outlook               for               jobs               opening               and               increasing               in               the               next               decade.

    Instead               of               majoring               in               fine               art,               choose               graphic               design               with               animation               and               3-D               modeling               using               animation               software,               video               editing,               or               digital               media.

    Take               a               major               in               educational               technology               and               minor               in               technical               and               science               writing.
                   If               you               don't               do               well               in               math,               there               are               technical               jobs               waiting               that               aren't               being               contracted               out               overseas.

    Find               out               what               they               are,               such               as               informatics               and               DNA               testing               as               a               minor               and               technical/science               or               medical               writing               as               a               major.
                   If               you               want               to               pick               some               of               the               most               practical               majors,               they're               in               the               healthcare               industry--teaching               nursing               online               if               you               have               the               appropriate               graduate               degree               and               experience,               or               teaching               at               a               community               college               level               the               various               healthcare               technologies.

    Another               route               is               to               get               a               four-year               degree               in               vocational               education,               doing               what               you               like               to               do,               such               as               technical               illustration               with               computer               software,               and               go               on               to               a               graduate               degree               in               vocational               education               administration.
                   You               can               focus               on               any               subject               from               auto               mechanics               and               repair               (now               computerized               to               a               large               extent)               to               electronics               technology               in               vocational               education,               getting               a               four-year               degree               and               finally               a               masters               with               a               teaching               credential.

    But               with               the               costs               of               college               so               high,               don't               waste               your               money               on               a               liberal               arts               education.

    You               won't               have               job               skills.
                   If               you               think               a               liberal               arts               degree               gives               you               transferable               job               skills,               you're               wrong.

    What               you'll               end               up               with               is               a               last-hired,               first-fired               job               as               an               administrative               assistant,               formerly               a               secretary               or               clerk.

    You               won't               be               promoted,               not               as               fast               as               you'd               like,               unless               your               family               owns               the               business.
                   Many               people               think               a               liberal               arts               major               gives               them               an               education               in               ethnics.


    Sitting               in               the               library               during               summer               vacations               and               reading               books               on               ethics               and               moral               teachings               is               just               as               good               to               get               a               liberal               arts               education               in               morals,               ethics,               or               philosophy.
                   You               can               take               courses               as               electives               in               foreign               languages               or               even               minor               in               area               studies               and               languages,               but               for               your               major,               get               a               job               skill               that               isn't               going               to               become               obsolete               in               five               years.

    Web               designers               are               needed               now,               but               what               about               in               the               future               when               software               will               do               the               programming               and               designing?

    Where               are               the               jobs               not               related               to               opening               your               own               small               business               at               home               and               competing               with               a               thousand               others               doing               the               same               work               with               the               same               skills?
                   Find               an               area               that               needs               your               energy.

    Right               now               it's               in               healthcare.

    If               you               want               to               become               a               lawyer,               become               a               CPA               accountant               first.

    At               least               you'll               be               able               to               find               a               job               quicker               as               an               accountant               than               you'd               find               a               job               with               no               experience               as               a               recent               law               school               graduate               clerking               for               80               hours               a               week               with               the               dream               of               becoming               a               partner.
                   If               you               want               a               career               in               publishing,               right               now               it's               in               digital               entertainment               and               online               journalism               if               you               have               other               skills               in               a               subject.

    If               you               want               to               teach,               should               you               get               a               PhD               in               psychology               or               social               work               and               teach               at               the               university               level?

    The               problem               really               emphasizes               the               fact               that               there               are               too               many               college               graduates               with               the               same               or               similar               skills.

    There's               a               mismatch               between               what               people               major               it,               the               most               popular               majors,               and               what               jobs               are               open.
                   Not               everyone               can               pass               courses               in               electrical               engineering,               and               if               they               do,               when               they               reach               age               35,               they               could               very               well               be               passed               over               for               the               25-year               old               just               coming               out               of               graduate               school               with               two               years               of               experience               already               from               internships.
                   What's               your               best               bet?

    See:               Occupations               With               the               Most               Job               Openings.

    Also               see:               U.S.

    Bureau               of               Labor               Statistics,               Occupations               With               the               Most               Openings.
                   You'll               see               that               the               jobs               with               the               most               openings               don't               require               a               college               education               and               don't               pay               very               much               either.

    At               present               there               are               too               many               college               graduates               and               not               enough               job               openings               that               require               a               college               degree,               at               least               in               the               field               or               major               in               which               most               graduates               have               degrees.
                   That's               why               being               a               generalist               is               as               important               as               being               a               specialist.

    You               need               skills               in               both               areas.

    Maybe               you               want               a               degree               in               sports               medicine               management,               but               how               many               others               will               be               competing               against               you               with               similar               degrees               for               the               few               job               openings?
                   You               could               become               a               registered               nurse,               for               example,               and               then               take               a               graduate               degree               in               either               teaching               graduate               nursing               courses               online               or               in               person               or               add               on               more               skills,               such               as               a               specialized               field               within               nursing               or               an               allied               field               such               as               respiratory               therapy,               social               work,               or               even               go               to               law               school               and               become               an               expert               witness.

    But               can               you               depend               on               those               degrees               for               a               secure,               steady               job               with               health               insurance,               pension               plans,               and               perks,               let               alone               long-term               care               insurance?
                   Most               jobs               opening               don't               require               four               years               of               training               and               pay               little.

    Few               are               secure.

    That's               why               majoring               in               liberal               arts,               for               example               history               or               English               or               fine               art               (unless               you're               a               talented,               gifted               illustrator)               may               be               a               waste               of               time               for               you               when               jobs               are               going               unfilled               because               employers               can't               find               anyone               with               a               degree               and/or               experience               in               what               is               really               needed.

    That's               your               task.

    Find               out               what's               really               needed               now               and               for               the               next               decade.
                   What's               needed               right               now               are               nurses               and               experts               in               forensic               DNA               testing,               including               informatics.

    Pick               a               major               where               you               could               also               apply               for               a               secure               job,               maybe               with               the               government               or               a               large               industry               or               institution               that               may               not               cut               jobs               so               fast.

    And               find               a               major               that               insures               you               against               being               laid               off               by               an               employer.

    Don't               learn               one               skill               that               will               never               be               transferable               to               another               job               in               a               different               industry.
                   For               example,               if               you're               in               medical               sales,               you               can               work               in               sales               or               healthcare               if               your               degree               is               in               a               healthcare               profession,               for               example,               nursing               or               social               work,               or               even               law,               if               you               can               travel.

    But               if               you               are               not               able               to               work               as               a               nurse,               say               if               older               or               have               disabilities,               but               can               place               nurses               in               home               health               care               environments               or               screen               other               nurses               for               temporary               employment,               if               you               have               a               registered               nurse               license               and               a               degree,               even               if               you're               sitting               all               day               in               front               of               a               computer               or               phone.
                   Registered               nurses               in               the               USA               earned               a               median               annual               salary               of               $57,280               in               2006.

    This               is               one               of               the               highest               paying               occupations               on               this               US               Bureau               of               Labor               Statistic's               list,               and               also               requires               more               training               than               all               but               one               other               occupation.

    Use               the               Salary               Wizard               at               Salary.com               to               find               out               how               much               registered               nurses               currently               earn               in               your               city.

    Browse               the               Occupational               Outlook               Handbook.

    The               Handbook               gives               you               job               search               tips,               links               to               information               about               the               job               market               in               each               State,               and               more.
                   According               to               the               list               of               occupations               with               the               most               job               openings               at               About.com,               here               is               the               list.
                   The               latest               available               data               are               from               2006               to               2016.

    Read               more               about               national               employment.
                   #               Occupation               Employment
                   2006               Job               OpeningsEarningsTraining               Needed
                   1               Retail               salespersons               4,476,900               193,521               Short-term               on-the-job               training
                   2               Cashiers,               except               gaming               3,500,200               166,437               Short-term               on-the-job               training
                   3               Waiters               and               waitresses               2,360,600               153,712               Short-term               on-the-job               training
                   4               Customer               service               representatives               2,202,300               115,840               Moderate-term               on-the-job               training
                   5               Registered               nurses               2,504,700               100,079
                   Associate               degree               6               Office               clerks,               general               3,200,200               99,080               Short-term               on-the-job               training
                   7               Combined               food               preparation               and               serving               workers,               including               fast               food               2,502,900               92,656               Short-term               on-the-job               training
                   8               Laborers               and               freight,               stock,               and               material               movers,               hand               2,416,000               82,304               Short-term               on-the-job               training
                   9               Janitors               and               cleaners,               except               maids               and               housekeeping               cleaners               2,386,600               80,184               Short-term               on-the-job               training
                   10               Postsecondary               teachers               1,671,800               66,178
                   Doctoral               degree
                   11               Child               care               workers               1,388,200               64,648               Short-term               on-the-job               training
                   12               Bookkeeping,               accounting,               and               auditing               clerks               2,113,800               59,430
                   Moderate-term               on-the-job               training
                   13               Elementary               school               teachers,               except               special               education               1,540,200               54,544               Bachelor's               degree
                   14               Truck               drivers,               heavy               and               tractor-trailer               1,859,800               52,297               Moderate-term               on-the-job               training
                   15               Personal               and               home               care               aides               767,300               51,855
                   Short-term               on-the-job               training
                   16               Executive               secretaries               and               administrative               assistants               1,618,000               49,668               Work               experience               in               a               related               occupation
                   17               Receptionists               and               information               clerks               1,172,700               48,882               Short-term               on-the-job               training
                   18               Sales               representatives,               wholesale               and               manufacturing,               except               technical               and               scientific               products               1,562,300               47,551               Work               experience               in               a               related               occupation
                   19               Maids               and               housekeeping               cleaners               1,469,500               46,273               Short-term               on-the-job               training
                   20               Home               health               aides               787,300               45,408               Short-term               on-the-job               training
                   21               Food               preparation               workers               901,700               45,086               Short-term               on-the-job               training
                   22               Accountants               and               auditors               1,274,400               44,977
                   Bachelor's               degree
                   23               General               and               operations               managers               1,720,500               44,067
                   Bachelor's               or               higher               degree,               plus               work               experience
                   24               Counter               attendants,               cafeteria,               food               concession,               and               coffee               shop               532,800               42,390               Short-term               on-the-job               training
                   25               First-line               supervisors/managers               of               retail               sales               workers               1,675,900               42,268               Work               experience               in               a               related               occupation

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